Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find

  A few weeks ago, GiGi and I attended one of our favorite comic conventions of the year and it's in our own backyard of Charlotte, North Carolina. A COMIC convention through and through HeroesCon draws a LARGE crowd every year and WeGeekGirls are thrilled to be a part of the action. One of the … Continue reading Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find

Author Gail Z. Martin talks going indie in this year’s Hawthorn Moon blog tour stop.

Hello readers and fellow book enthusiasts! It's brand new Summer, which means a brand new Summer blog tour event with our friend, author Gail Z. Martin. The Hawthorn Moon event was started as a way to celebrate the solstice, which for Martin, dates back to her first series The Chronicles of the Necromancer. Each year … Continue reading Author Gail Z. Martin talks going indie in this year’s Hawthorn Moon blog tour stop.

Mumswear ~ because you should wear a shirt as unique and individual as you are!

The dealer room at ConCarolinas is without a doubt a favorite for GiGi and I. After all, that is where we first discovered our desire to shine a light on local authors/artists/artisans and help promote their business. We enjoy running through and talking to old friends BUT meeting new people is one of the reasons … Continue reading Mumswear ~ because you should wear a shirt as unique and individual as you are!